
本文约 3600 字,阅读需 8 分钟。



  • 混淆代码(Proguard、AndResGuard)

  • 移除不在使用的代码和资源

  • 对于音频、图片等使用更轻量的格式

  • 等等

这些方法都比较常规,在项目成熟后优化的空间也比较有限。以应用宝为例,目前(2020年1月)项目代码中Java文件8040个,代码行数约143万行,最终生成的 release包 9.33M。可以优化的空间极为有限,而且由于维护较差,分析已经废弃的代码和资源其实非常耗时耗力。本文的方案可以使应用宝在现有基础上立刻减少约 700k 安装包大小,收益十分可观,而且对于一个项目, 代码量越大,效果越明显



W/System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException
W/System.err:     at b.a.a.a.a(
W/System.err:     at com.tencent.androidfactory.MainActivity.onCreate(
W/System.err:     at
W/System.err:     at
W/System.err:     at

然后通过 map 文件找到 对应的类:

com.tencent.androidfactory.Test -> b.a.a.a:
    14:14:void <init>() -> <init>
    23:69:void test() -> a
    16:17:void log() -> b
    20:21:void log1() -> c

这里为什么要把类名和方法名用杂乱无章的字符代替呢?一方面原因就是后者 更精简,在dex文件中占用的空间更小,但这不是今天讨论的重点。上面Crash信息的后面指明了Crash的具体位置是第 26 行,这是不是说明了dex存在一些信息,指明了字节码位置到源代码位置的信息,进一步,我们是不是可以参考上面混淆之后通过map映射找到原来的类的做法,把字节码位置到源代码位置的信息作为map存在本地!!

这里需要指出Dex文件存在一个 debugItemInfo 的区域,记录了指令集位置到行号的信息,正是因为这些信息的存在,我们才能做单步调试等操作,这也是这个命名的由来。



  • Proguard工具开启优化后默认不保留这个信息,除非设置了 -keepattributes LineNumberTable

  • facebook的 redex 也有类似功能,配置drop_line_numbers

  • 最近字节跳动开源了一个[ByteX],也有类似能力,配置 deleteLineNumber

蚂蚁金服的[支付宝 App 构建优化解析:Android 包大小极致压缩]也直接提到了这种做法,但问题也很明显、很严重,会丢失行号信息(低版本都是-1,高版本是指令集位置),导致Crash无法排查,此外,每个版本也需要做兼容,但是该文章并未详细描述,本文正是填补这部分空白。


首先,Java层的Crash上报都是通过自定义 Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandleruncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable throwable) 方法实现的,下面以[Android 4.4]的源码为例,分析下底层原理。

Throwable的每个构建函数都有一个 fillInStackTrace();调用,具体逻辑如下:

 * Records the stack trace from the point where this method has been called
 * to this {@code Throwable}. This method is invoked by the {@code Throwable} constructors.
 * <p>This method is public so that code (such as an RPC system) which catches
 * a {@code Throwable} and then re-throws it can replace the construction-time stack trace
 * with a stack trace from the location where the exception was re-thrown, by <i>calling</i>
 * {@code fillInStackTrace}.
 * <p>This method is non-final so that non-Java language implementations can disable VM stack
 * traces for their language. Filling in the stack trace is relatively expensive.
 * <i>Overriding</i> this method in the root of a language's exception hierarchy allows the
 * language to avoid paying for something it doesn't need.
 * @return this {@code Throwable} instance.
public Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
    if (stackTrace == null) {
        return this; // writableStackTrace was false.
    // Fill in the intermediate representation.
    stackState = nativeFillInStackTrace();
    // Mark the full representation as in need of update.
    stackTrace = EmptyArray.STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT;
    return this;

其中,stackState就包含了指令集位置信息(the intermediate representation),该对象会被传递给下面的natvie方法解出具体行号:

 * Creates an array of StackTraceElement objects from the data held
 * in "stackState".
private static native StackTraceElement[] nativeGetStackTrace(Object stackState);

于是我们的思路就是 Hook住上报的位置,通过反射拿到指令集位置,在Crash上报前把指令集位置赋值给无意义的行号(理论上高版本在没有debugItemInfo时,已经默认是指令集位置而不是-1了)。这里比较坑的是 stackState的类型,其定义如下:

 * An intermediate representation of the stack trace.  This field may
 * be accessed by the VM; do not rename.
private transient volatile Object stackState;



apk 4.0

5.0(华为P8 Lite,版本5.0.2):

apk 5.0

6.0(三星GALAXY S7,版本6.0.1):

apk 6.0

7.0+(三星GALAXY C7,版本7.0)

apk 7.0




// 代码版本:Android8.0,文件名称
protected static final void commonInit() {
    if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "Entered RuntimeInit!");

     * set handlers; these apply to all threads in the VM. Apps can replace
     * the default handler, but not the pre handler.
    Thread.setUncaughtExceptionPreHandler(new LoggingHandler());
    Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new KillApplicationHandler());


其中 Thread.setUncaughtExceptionPreHandler(new LoggingHandler()); 是该版本新增的,会在uncaughtException 之前调用,LoggingHandler 会导致Throwable#getInternalStackTrace被调用,该方法逻辑如下:

 * Returns an array of StackTraceElement. Each StackTraceElement
 * represents a entry on the stack.
private StackTraceElement[] getInternalStackTrace() {
    if (stackTrace == EmptyArray.STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT) {
        stackTrace = nativeGetStackTrace(stackState);
        stackState = null; // Let go of intermediate representation.
        return stackTrace;
    } else if (stackTrace == null) {
        return EmptyArray.STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT;
    } else {
      return stackTrace;

因此,8.0以上版本在Hook默认的 UncaughtExceptionHandler 时,stackState信息已经丢失了!!我的解决办法是 反射Hook掉Thread#uncaughtExceptionPreHandler 字段,使 LoggingHandler 被覆盖


Accessing hidden field Ljava/lang/Thread;->uncaughtExceptionPreHandler:Ljava/lang/Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler; (dark greylist, reflection)
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field uncaughtExceptionPreHandler in class Ljava/lang/Thread; (declaration of 'java.lang.Thread' appears in /system/framework/core-oj.jar)
     at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(Native Method)
     at top.vimerzhao.testremovelineinfo.ExceptionHookUtils.init(

通过类似[FreeReflection]目前可以突破这个限制,因此Android 9+ 的机型依然可以使用这个方案。


这里再详细介绍下底层获取行号的逻辑,首先Throwable 会调用到一个native方法(这里的注释信息讲的很清楚,注意看):


 * public static int fillStackTraceElements(Thread t, StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElements)
 * Retrieve a partial stack trace of the specified thread and return
 * the number of frames filled.  Returns 0 on failure.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_VMStack_fillStackTraceElements(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    Object* targetThreadObj = (Object*) args[0];
    ArrayObject* steArray = (ArrayObject*) args[1];
    size_t stackDepth;
    int* traceBuf = getTraceBuf(targetThreadObj, &stackDepth);

    if (traceBuf == NULL)

     * Set the raw buffer into an array of StackTraceElement.
    if (stackDepth > steArray->length) {
        stackDepth = steArray->length;
    dvmFillStackTraceElements(traceBuf, stackDepth, steArray);



 * Fills the StackTraceElement array elements from the raw integer
 * data encoded by dvmFillInStackTrace().
 * "intVals" points to the first {method,pc} pair.
void dvmFillStackTraceElements(const int* intVals, size_t stackDepth, ArrayObject* steArray)
    unsigned int i;

    /* init this if we haven't yet */
    if (!dvmIsClassInitialized(gDvm.classJavaLangStackTraceElement))

     * Allocate and initialize a StackTraceElement for each stack frame.
     * We use the standard constructor to configure the object.
    for (i = 0; i < stackDepth; i++) {
        Object* ste = dvmAllocObject(gDvm.classJavaLangStackTraceElement,ALLOC_DEFAULT);
        if (ste == NULL) {

        Method* meth = (Method*) *intVals++;
        int pc = *intVals++;

        int lineNumber;
        if (pc == -1)      // broken top frame?
            lineNumber = 0;
            lineNumber = dvmLineNumFromPC(meth, pc);

         * Invoke:
         *  public StackTraceElement(String declaringClass, String methodName,
         *      String fileName, int lineNumber)
         * (where lineNumber==-2 means "native")
        JValue unused;
        dvmCallMethod(dvmThreadSelf(), gDvm.methJavaLangStackTraceElement_init,
            ste, &unused, className, methodName, fileName, lineNumber);

        dvmSetObjectArrayElement(steArray, i, ste);

由此可知,默认行号可能是0,否则通过 dvmLineNumFromPC 获取具体信息:


 * Determine the source file line number based on the program counter.
 * "pc" is an offset, in 16-bit units, from the start of the method's code.
 * Returns -1 if no match was found (possibly because the source files were
 * compiled without "-g", so no line number information is present).
 * Returns -2 for native methods (as expected in exception traces).
int dvmLineNumFromPC(const Method* method, u4 relPc)
    const DexCode* pDexCode = dvmGetMethodCode(method);

    if (pDexCode == NULL) {
        if (dvmIsNativeMethod(method) && !dvmIsAbstractMethod(method))
            return -2;
        return -1;      /* can happen for abstract method stub */

    LineNumFromPcContext context;
    memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context));
    context.address = relPc;
    // A method with no line number info should return -1
    context.lineNum = -1;

    dexDecodeDebugInfo(method->clazz->pDvmDex->pDexFile, pDexCode,
            lineNumForPcCb, NULL, &context);

    return context.lineNum;

由此可知,默认行号还可能是-2/-1,而 dexDecodeDebugInfo 里面就是具体的解析信息了,不做深入分析(太复杂了,给看懵逼了~)。



01-14 10:17:42.525 845-868/? I/ExceptionHookUtils: succeed [28, 12, 12, 5, 6]
01-14 10:17:42.525 845-868/? I/ExceptionHookUtils: set top.vimerzhao.testremovelineinfo.a from -1 to 28
01-14 10:17:42.526 845-868/? I/ExceptionHookUtils: set top.vimerzhao.testremovelineinfo.a from -1 to 12
01-14 10:17:42.526 845-868/? I/ExceptionHookUtils: set top.vimerzhao.testremovelineinfo.a from -1 to 12
01-14 10:17:42.526 845-868/? I/ExceptionHookUtils: set top.vimerzhao.testremovelineinfo.MainActivity$a from -1 to 5
01-14 10:17:42.526 845-868/? I/ExceptionHookUtils: set java.lang.Thread from 818 to 6

通过 dexdump 工具可以导出一个行号到指令集位置的map文件,部分信息如下:

  Virtual methods   -
    #0              : (in Ltop/vimerzhao/testremovelineinfo/MainActivity$a;)
      name          : 'run'
      type          : '()V'
      access        : 0x0001 (PUBLIC)
      code          -
      registers     : 2
      ins           : 1
      outs          : 1
      insns size    : 9 16-bit code units
      catches       : (none)
      positions     :
        0x0000 line=17 // 这里小于且最接近5
        0x0008 line=18
      locals        :
        0x0000 - 0x0009 reg=1 this Ltop/vimerzhao/testremovelineinfo/MainActivity$a;
  source_file_idx   : 0 ()

  Virtual methods   -
    #0              : (in Ltop/vimerzhao/testremovelineinfo/a;)
      name          : 'a'
      type          : '()V'
      access        : 0x0001 (PUBLIC)
      code          -
      registers     : 3
      ins           : 1
      outs          : 2
      insns size    : 21 16-bit code units
      catches       : (none)
      positions     :
        0x0000 line=15
        0x0007 line=16
        0x000c line=17 // 这里小于且最接近12
        0x000f line=18
        0x0014 line=19
      locals        :
        0x0000 - 0x0015 reg=2 this Ltop/vimerzhao/testremovelineinfo/a;
    #1              : (in Ltop/vimerzhao/testremovelineinfo/a;)
      name          : 'b'
      type          : '()V'
      access        : 0x0001 (PUBLIC)
      code          -
      registers     : 3
      ins           : 1
      outs          : 2
      insns size    : 21 16-bit code units
      catches       : (none)
      positions     :
        0x0000 line=22
        0x0007 line=23
        0x000c line=24 // 这里小于且最接近12
        0x000f line=25
        0x0014 line=26
      locals        :
        0x0000 - 0x0015 reg=2 this Ltop/vimerzhao/testremovelineinfo/a;
    #2              : (in Ltop/vimerzhao/testremovelineinfo/a;)
      name          : 'c'
      type          : '()V'
      access        : 0x0001 (PUBLIC)
      code          -
      registers     : 4
      ins           : 1
      outs          : 2
      insns size    : 48 16-bit code units
      catches       : (none)
      positions     :
        0x0000 line=29
        0x0007 line=30
        0x000c line=31
        0x0011 line=32
        0x0016 line=33
        0x001b line=34
        0x001c line=35   // 这里小于且最接近28
        0x001f line=36
        0x0024 line=37
        0x0029 line=38
        0x002c line=39
        0x002f line=41
      locals        :
        0x001c - 0x0030 reg=1 a Ljava/lang/Object;
        0x0000 - 0x0030 reg=3 this Ltop/vimerzhao/testremovelineinfo/a;
  source_file_idx   : 0 ()

这里我加了一些注释,通过指令集位置,我们成功找到了行号,而查看Demo源代码也确实如此: Snipaste 2020 01 14 11 21 31






